Wireguard Resolvconf: A Comprehensive Guide : sshstores.net

Hello and welcome to our guide on Wireguard Resolvconf. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Wireguard has gained immense popularity in recent years and explain how to use it with resolvconf in an efficient manner. We will provide you with all the necessary information needed to configure Wireguard Resolvconf on your system. So, let’s begin!

What is Wireguard?

Wireguard is a modern VPN protocol that is designed to be faster, simpler, and more secure than traditional VPN protocols like IPsec and OpenVPN. It uses state-of-the-art cryptography and aims to provide better performance and reliability than other VPN protocols. Due to its many benefits, Wireguard has become increasingly popular amongst individuals and enterprises alike.

Wireguard Features

Some of the key features of Wireguard include:

Feature Description
Modern Cryptography Wireguard uses the latest and most secure cryptography algorithms such as ChaCha20, Poly1305, BLAKE2s, and Curve25519.
Lightweight Wireguard is lightweight and runs more efficiently than other VPN protocols.
Easy to Use Wireguard is easy to configure and use. It requires fewer steps than other VPN protocols.
Fast Performance Wireguard provides faster performance than other VPN protocols as it uses modern encryption algorithms.
Secure Wireguard is more secure than other VPN protocols as it uses modern cryptographic algorithms.

Wireguard vs Other VPN Protocols

Here’s how Wireguard compares to other VPN protocols:

VPN Protocol Wireguard OpenVPN IPsec
Encryption ChaCha20, Poly1305 AES-256, SHA-512 AES-256, SHA-512
Performance Fast Slow Slow
Configurability Easy Complex Complex
Reliability High Medium Medium-High
Security High Medium-High Medium-High

What is Resolvconf?

Resolvconf is a Linux utility that manages the Domain Name System (DNS) configuration for the Linux system. It is used to configure the DNS resolver with the required DNS servers and search domains. Resolvconf provides an easy way to manage the DNS configuration of a Linux system and is used by many Linux distributions.

How Resolvconf Works

When a Linux system needs to resolve a domain name to an IP address, it uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to perform the resolution. The DNS resolver requests the IP address of the domain name from the DNS servers configured in /etc/resolv.conf file. Resolvconf is used to manage the /etc/resolv.conf file and configure the DNS resolver with the required DNS servers and search domains.

Why Use Resolvconf with Wireguard?

Wireguard does not natively manage DNS settings. Therefore, to use the VPN, users need to ensure that their DNS settings are correctly configured. Resolvconf is an easy and efficient method for managing DNS settings on Linux systems, and it works well with Wireguard.

How to Configure Resolvconf with Wireguard?

To configure Resolvconf with Wireguard, you need to complete the following steps:

Step 1: Install Wireguard and Resolvconf

The first step is to ensure that both Wireguard and Resolvconf are installed on your Linux system. You can install both using the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wireguard resolvconf

Step 2: Generate the Wireguard Configuration

The next step is to generate the Wireguard configuration file. You can do this by running the following command:

umask 077
wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey

This command creates a private key and public key pair that will be used to encrypt the data transmitted over the VPN.

Step 3: Configure Wireguard

After generating the Wireguard configuration file, the next step is to configure Wireguard. You can create a configuration file by running the following command:

sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf

Then, copy and paste the following configuration into the wg0.conf file:

PrivateKey = (privatekey generated in step 2)
Address =
ListenPort = 51820

PublicKey = (publickey generated in step 2)
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = (public IP address of the remote server):51820

Make sure to replace the generated private key and public key with the output from step 2.

Step 4: Enable IP Forwarding

The next step is to enable IP forwarding on your system. You can do this by running the following command:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

This command enables IP forwarding on your system, allowing packets to be forwarded between the VPN server and clients.

Step 5: Configure Resolvconf

The final step is to configure Resolvconf with the required DNS servers and search domains. You can do this by creating a new file called wg-resolv.conf in the /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/ directory. This file should contain the DNS servers that you want to use. For example:

search domain.com

Save and close the file when you’re done. Then, update Resolvconf by running the following command:

sudo resolvconf -u


Q: What is Wireguard?

A: Wireguard is a modern VPN protocol that is designed to be faster, simpler, and more secure than traditional VPN protocols like IPsec and OpenVPN. It uses state-of-the-art cryptography and aims to provide better performance and reliability than other VPN protocols.

Q: What is Resolvconf?

A: Resolvconf is a Linux utility that manages the Domain Name System (DNS) configuration for the Linux system. It is used to configure the DNS resolver with the required DNS servers and search domains.

Q: Why use Resolvconf with Wireguard?

A: Wireguard does not natively manage DNS settings. Therefore, to use the VPN, users need to ensure that their DNS settings are correctly configured. Resolvconf is an easy and efficient method for managing DNS settings on Linux systems, and it works well with Wireguard.

Q: How do I configure Resolvconf with Wireguard?

A: To configure Resolvconf with Wireguard, you need to ensure that both Wireguard and Resolvconf are installed on your Linux system. Then, generate the Wireguard configuration, configure Wireguard, enable IP forwarding, and configure Resolvconf with the required DNS servers and search domains.

Q: What are the benefits of Wireguard?

A: Some of the benefits of Wireguard include modern cryptography, lightweight, easy to use, fast performance, and high security.

Q: How does Wireguard compare to other VPN protocols?

A: Wireguard provides faster performance, is easier to configure, and is more secure than other VPN protocols like IPsec and OpenVPN.


Wireguard Resolvconf is an efficient way to manage DNS settings on Linux systems. It provides users with an easy way to configure and use Wireguard while also ensuring that the DNS settings are correctly configured. With its modern cryptography, lightweight design, and fast performance, Wireguard has become an increasingly popular VPN protocol. We hope that this guide has provided you with the necessary information to configure Wireguard Resolvconf on your Linux system.

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